Friday 1 October 2010


A Blog: (A blend of the term web log) is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video.

So now one begins to dwell into the world of blogging, a good hobby to indulge in perhaps. So what to talk about? Anything and everything I guess, perhaps the adult content warning should have been applied...oh well it's not like kids  don't see most shit on the web these days in any case.

I wonder how many other people are wasting hours that could instead be spent wondering in the wilderness, then I guess times have changed officially, people however stay pretty much the same, they just go with the change. Like any animal adapting to it's environment, however humans now adapted the environment to one that perhaps they imagine would work best for them, but not for all animals.

People and the things they do hey? Funny stuff really, I look around as another animal and laugh to myself, from men painting themselves with tattoos, women trying to make their breasts bigger, kids rebelling against society, people obsessed with wealth, paranoid about their health, the list goes on. I myself worry about wealth, and sometimes health, and then I think to myself, life going by so quickly, better go out there and make the most of it! 

The best way is to start young and concentrate on something that could potentially make you lots of money, get exceptionally brilliant at it and then stun the world and rake it in. Keep the ideas flowing, educate yourself, don't leave it to the schools and parents! Look after your body, as right now you only got the one sir/madam. One wonders when we might possibly see a giant step in evolution, now that would be interesting....Peacetalking Worldwide...chill Ecuador...

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